Friday, January 7, 2011

Baby, Now That I've Found You

Ah, the thrill of the hunt. I stopped in a CVS a few blocks away from my usual one and found something I've been coveting for a while:

Milani Jewel FX in Gems. It was on a tiny display that was sitting randomly on top of something else, and it was the last bottle. Meant to be! I know, it's a bit much, but it's really gorgeous and just for special occasions...crazy occasions. Like my BIRTHDAY, for instance. Yes, I'm already planning my birthday mani. Oh the life I lead!

Last day in the office before I leave for our big annual trade show and conference. I'm starting to freak out a bit about leaving my two-year-old for a week. She's been needing a lot lately...more love, more patience, more attention, more behavior correcting...and I hate to think she'll be unhappy or confused by my absence. But I also know she'll have a lot of fun with her dad. And then there's also a side feeling of OMG SWEET FREEDOM!

I chose a comfy, cozy outfit today. I call it Man Repelling on the cheap:

Shapeless, baggy sweater, shapeless boots, dusty blue tights. Love it! PS my boss took this photo for me. He is the best!

Have a great Friday!


  1. my nemisis took this pic for you...zounds!

    exciting polish there ;)

  2. That's exactly how I felt about my own outfit yesterday. it wasn't succesful enough in some respects... I still got waylaid by last minute BS.
